Superstar Series (PPV)
Tue 1999-06-01 - Goldberg: Who's Next? - Missing
Sun 1999-07-04 - Diamond Dallas Page: Feel the Bang! - Missing
Wed 1999-09-01 - Kevin Nash: The Outsider! - Missing
Tue 1999-10-05 - Ric Flair: The Nature Boy - Missing
Wed 1999-11-03 - Hollywood Hogan: Why I Rule the World - Missing
Mon 2000-04-03 - Buff Bagwell: Buff the Stuff
Wed 2000-05-03 - Disco Inferno: The Man With the Moves!
Sun 2000-06-11 - Vampiro: Another Nail in the Coffin
Sun 2000-07-09 - Billy Kidman: Shooting Star